National Missions
National Missions is now an equally important core value and mission of Worldwide Outreach. The idea is to equip proven national evangelists, national missionaries and national church planting pastors. These men and women of God are already called and supported by the National Church. Our efforts help them to be more effective in reaching the lost through training, humanitarian aid, or meeting their transportation needs such as bicycles, motorcycles and boats. Spokesmen, an initiative to supply $100 bicycles and Moto Missions, an initiative to supply motorcycles and boats, addresses these transportation needs.
National Missionaries, National Evangelists and National Church Planting Pastors are making a significant impact for the Kingdom of God in their own countries, especially in unreached areas of the world. The indigenous church is growing as a result of this cooperation.
“…I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.” 1 Corinthians 9:22 NKJV

Moto Missions
Moto Missions provides motorcycles and boats to established National Church leadership. Together, we equip National Missionaries and Church Planting Pastors with transportation, which greatly helps them in their calling to reach the lost in remote and unreached areas of the world.

Spokesmen aims to provide $100 bicycles to pastors in Malawi who have to walk great distances in the ministry. This is a personal blessing that helps them be more efficient with their time and energy and help them reach more people in the communities that they serve.

National Missions Teams
We equip and train national missions teams to do children’s ministry, humanitarian aid and various other ministry endeavors in their own communities and in remote unreached areas in order to reach precious souls with the gospel.