Pastors in Malawi have very limited resources and opportunity to provide for their families. Almost all of them have no car, no motorcycle, or even a bicycle. They walk everywhere they need to go.
When they visit and minister to people, they walk.
When they work their second or third job outside of pastoring the church, they walk.
Spokesmen is a national missions effort in Malawi, to equip pastors with a $100 bicycle
Though it is a simple bicycle, it is a game changer for a pastor in Malawi. It helps them to be more efficient with their time. We know a bicycle will be a blessing and add people to the Kingdom of God, while helping them to be able to better provide for their families.
Would you like to sponsor one or more bicycles?
This is a practical and tangible way to bless the poor and help build the Kingdom of God through the local church.
100% of your designated gift will go towards the purchase of bicycles in Malawi for qualified National Pastors, National Missionaries, or National Evangelists.
“Who ever is kind to the poor, lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.”
– Proverbs 19:17
Impact the life of a pastor in Malawi by making a donation to this project:
Learn more about the Spokesmen project in our video:
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